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Annamaria Zanella

Annamaria Zanella

Contemporary jewellery designer


Annamaria graduated at the “P. Selvatico” Institute of Fine Arts, Padua in 1985 in the Jewellery section. From 1992, she obtained the Diploma in Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Venice.
She started her personal and artistic search in contemporary jewellery when she started her teaching at the “P. Selvatico” Institute of Fine Arts in 1987 in Padua.

Her works are about the everyday lives of women, history of her own life. Just like pages from an autobiography, each piece stems from a different constructional arrangement like a continuous “metamorphosis”. She won the Herbert Hofmann prize in Munich in 1997 and in 2006 and the Bayerischer Staatpreis Gold Medaille in 2002. The necklace FORTUNY realized in 2012 was collected by the archistar Sir. Norman Foster.

Her highly expressive works of art are in many of the most important Museum Collections in Europe and in the USA.


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